Main objective of MBA program at Santhigiri B-School is to develop young men and women into competent professional managers, capable of working in any sector of organized activity, proceeding leadership and achieving excellence in performance while contributing to the welfare of the larger society. The programme specifically attempts to:
Awaken and equip students with the required conceptual and interpersonal skills and sense of social purpose for managerial decision-making.
Develop leadership capabilities to act as change agents and be a source of motivation in the organizations they work in.
Nurture the desire to excel in performance without compromising the value system like integrity, honesty and fairness.
MBA Graduate Attributes
Demonstrate knowledge of core business concepts, models, and theories in the areas of management, marketing, operations management, management information systems, accounting, and finance.
Select the proper tactical tools, theories and methodologies to use for approaching solutions to strategic problems.
Apply knowledge of tactical tools, theories, and methodologies in solving business problems through rigorous case studies and projects.
Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to critical argument and decisions.
Present data-driven decisions through effective oral and written communication.
Demonstrate the ability to work collaboratively in team projects as participants and as leaders.
Identify potential areas of ethical conflicts and offer solutions to them.
Evaluate the ramifications of strategic decisions in a global context.
Passionate and Knowledgeable Faculty
Santhigiri B-School faculty is composed of highly qualified academics and experienced business professionals committed to the excellence of your learning and experience in and outside the classroom. The faculty continuously update their curricula and courses to ensure the delivery of a cutting edge business education for the professional challenges in today and tomorrow’s workplaces. They are keenly interested in your success and are available to assist you in preparing your academic and career plans.
Personal Attention
More personal attention for each student. Student Mentoring and individualised training programs.
Industry Institute Interface
3i program allows students the flexibility to connect with high-level executives on a monthly basis and shape the relationship according to the students and career goals. The program has three goals:
Allow students the chance to learn contemporary business ideas in an informal setting.
Provide networking opportunities.
Help students develop strong professional relationships.
Program guests include executives of local and global companies, successful entrepreneurs and leaders in government and not-for-profit organizations.
AIM of the Programme
To develop young MBA aspirants into professional managers who can contribute to the growth of business and industry in India and abroad
To develop leaders with a strong ethical background who can efficiently and effectively manage business amidst of environmental turbulences
To nurture entrepreneurial skills among young generation and make them effective change agents
To contribute towards better management practices in the
country by way of offering quality management education.
Programme Outcomes
Application oriented Knowledge in Domain and Business Environment (AKDBE)
Critical Thinking, Business Analysis, Problem Solving and Innovative Solutions (CBPI)
Social Responsiveness and Ethical Standards (SRES)
Astute Leadership and Synergy (ALS)
Effective Communication (EC)
Global Exposure and Cross-Cultural Sensitivity (GECCS)